平胸的妹子们穿上错视T恤走在街上回头率猛增;穿上今年夏季最潮的绑带鞋让你充满女人味;灼热的沙滩让你难以下脚?试试这款隐形沙滩鞋……一起来看看2017年的百变穿搭盘点。 穿得像绅士的9条黄金法则 虽然绅士的时代已经远去,长辈对男士穿着的一些建议已经过时,但有些建议仍是你必须遵循的铁律,这些时尚法则一代一代地传承下来不是没有原因的,来看看男士穿着最重要的9条黄金法则。 Match your shoes and belt when dressing formally. Don't mix patterns. Dress to the specifications required. Don't wear shorts with a blazer or jacket. Match your color palette to the season. Don't wear a vest on its own. Don't button the last button on a jacket or sweater. Don't wear suspenders and a belt at the same time. Never wear sneakers with suits. 了解更多》 6000片树叶做出美裙 原来他们是这么做到的! 用卫生纸做的婚纱,用垃圾袋做的时装……用特殊面料做衣服早就不是什么新鲜事儿,但是完全用天然树叶做成的礼服,你见过吗?我们都知道,树叶采摘下来很快就会枯萎,而干枯的树叶一碰就碎,这样脆弱的材料要如何缝制成裙子呢?来看看中国大学生是怎么创造奇迹的吧! The team behind the unique dress – two girls and two boys – got the idea for it over six months ago, while trying to come up with an interesting project for the annual “Animal and Plant Specimen Contest” at the University of Hefei. During that time, the girls couldn’t stop talking about how gorgeous the dress worn by Chinese actress Fan BingBing at the Cannes Festival looked, and one of them suggested they try to recreate it out of plant leaves. They ran the idea by their teacher, and even though he considered it difficult to pull off, they went with it anyway. After researching the best way to use plant leaves as fabric, and coming up with a design for their dress, the four students started collecting the leaves. Some species were readily available on campus, but others, like magnolia leaves were not, so they had to travel to Tianzhu Mountain to collect them. To ensure that the collected leaves didn’t shrivel or rot, the students removed the flesh by boiling them in alkali and sodium carbonate solution for about two hours. This made the flesh easier peeled away, leaving only the “skeleton” of the leaf, a thin film with all the intricate veins left intact. The four science and biotechnology students could only work on their special dress after classes and on weekends, so it took them nearly four months to complete. That’s a pretty long time, but it all paid off when one of the girls got to finally put on the leaf dress and show it off to everyone. They posted photos of it, at various stages, online, and it went viral almost instantly. 了解更多》 绑带鞋为何能掀起夏日狂潮? 2017夏季最潮鞋款?必属绑带鞋。鞋带细细缠在脚背,既满足了少女心,也不乏女人味。快来看看绑带鞋如何穿出百变风格吧。 Replacing single straps, lace-up shoes that criss-cross and wrap around the ankle are the style du jour that’s equal parts girlish and suggestive. It’s a look that’s dominated the fashion industry ever since Miu Miu’s buckled ballet flats hit the scene and this season was no exception as designers trotted a love affair with lace-ups. At House of Holland, gingham drop-waist dresses in red, purple, and orange were paired with corresponding pointed heels that bound the ankle. While, models at Givenchy wore lace-up sandals with thick socks in red, brown or purple alongside fitted dresses and boss suits with swingy flared trousers. In contrast, tied-up booties were the lustworthy look at Versace where a club-friendly collection saw bad girls stomp the runway in cropped MA-1 jackets, and bodycon clothes. So, how should you be styling them? For lazy days by the beach or a bohemian festival fuelled vibe, pair yours with a floaty summer dress or refined 70s inspired accessories. Likewise, don’t be afraid to introduce them to the boardroom by pairing with sleek trousers and a tucked-in sharp shirt for a look that oozes confidence. Whatever you choose to wear them with, it’s important to make sure it’s a cropped style that exposes the ankle so the wrap detail doesn’t get completely lost in translation. 了解更多》 有了这款“隐形鞋” 炎炎夏日你就可以赤脚走路啦 光着脚在沙滩漫步应该是夏天的一大乐趣,但是灼热的沙子总是让人迈不开步伐。不过,现在一家意大利公司已经找到了完美的解决办法。他们推出的Nakefit可粘贴鞋垫具有“防水、防割伤、防滑、隔热”的效果,相当于一双“隐形鞋”。不论你是在海里游泳、在游泳池里玩耍,甚至是跑步、攀岩的时候,都可以穿上它,给脚底包裹一层“保护膜”。 An Italian company has created stick-on soles that can protect your feet when you're clambering over rocks and swimming in the sea. The alternative to flip-flops are also anti-slip, and can be peeled off and on for multiple uses. As well as protecting against the sun, the soles can be worn in the swimming pool to protect against verrucas and other infections. The shoes are also cut-proof and its creators even recommended them to people who want to walk down the street barefoot. The rubber soles come in black, pink and light blue and a range of sizes for men and women. 了解更多》 奇异错视T恤帮你丰胸 夏天来了,认为自己是“飞机场”的妹子们再也坐不住了。想让自己的胸部看起来丰满?试试日本这款错视T恤吧,它让你迎面看上去胸部“波涛汹涌”,平胸妹秒变D罩杯! If you're unsatisfied with your cup size but don't want to splash out on a breast enhancement, a quirky new T-shirt might be a cheap and pain-free alternative. The bizarre optical illusion T-shirt promises to give anyone a busty chest. The Illusion Grid T-shirt, which costs £30 from Japanese brand ekoD Works, has been designed using a clever optical illusion that makes breasts appear double their size if you're looking at them front on. As the model shots attest, the effect doesn't work from the side or when you're laying flat. According to odditycentral.com, Japanese vendor Village Vanguard, which will be selling the T-shirt, describes it as a T-shirt that 'realises a delusional world that people are envisioning secretly.' 了解更多》 防约会露点尴尬 日本男士乳贴成热卖时尚单品 男士乳贴原本是长跑运动员用于防止乳头磨损的体育用品,如今却走俏日本。据《每日邮报》报道,日本运动用品零售店Dot Store称,今年已售出5.5万副乳贴,远超去年销量。乳贴在日本热销,是因为男士乳贴定位成一种时尚单品,而非运动配件。 A Japanese sports shop is reporting a surge in demand for nipple covers as mammary gland concealment becomes all the rage in the eccentric Far-Eastern country. The Dot Store says nipple covers, usually used by long-distance runners to prevent chafing, are flying off its shelves, with 55,000 sets being sold so far this year. The Dot Store's nipple covers are adhesive, water-resistant, transparent patches similar to sticking plasters. The feat has been achieved by marketing the nipple covers as fashion items instead of sports accessories. An advertisement for the product shows a girl on a date being enchanted with her young beau when his nipples are covered but disgusted when they are seen poking through his T-shirt. 了解更多》 男士连体短裤装,是时尚革命还是哗众取宠? 碎花、流苏、雪纺,如今男士时装中的女性元素越来越多,这还不够,美国西北大学一群大学生干脆模仿女生的背心连体裤(romper),设计了一款名为RompHim的男士连体短裤装。据称,这款连体裤的穿着体验非常舒适。为了实现批量生产,RompHim的设计者ACED Design已经在Kickstarter上发起众筹,不到一天内就募集了1万美金。不过,网友们对RompHim的评价褒贬不一,有人表示会去穿它,但是也有不少人认为这种衣服就是“一个错误”。 A group of business students have created the RompHim - touted as the male version of the romper - in the hope that it will spark a 'fashion revolution'. But the striking garments have caused a stir online with one Twitter user calling them 'just wrong' with another saying she was 'offended' by them. One wrote: 'My hubby would never wear a #romphim'. However it wasn't all negative with one man branding them 'cute' while Ken Casparis said he 'would probably wear one'. 了解更多》 日本设计出不怕“露点”的白色T恤 白色T恤看上去清爽又干净,但是很多男士不敢穿白色T恤,就因为穿白色T恤容易“露点”。不过,在不远的将来男士们也许无需再为此烦恼,日本一家公司研发出一款高科技T恤,让你从此告别“露点”尴尬。首批“隐藏乳头”的限量版白色T恤于今年3月3日上市,但是只有200件,价格也相当昂贵。 According to a 2013 Japanese study, 84 percent of women find looking at male nipples through their see-through white shirts disgusting, and men don’t like wearing transparent white clothes too much either, but they don’t really have too many options, especially when it comes to t-shirts. But now, a Japanese company called the Seiso Shiro T Production Committee claims to have come up with the ultimate male nipple-concealing technology. Developed over a period of two years, using special Japanese stitching techniques and high quality, pesticide-free cotton from Japan, the USA, Uganda, and India, their new white t-shirts promise to make visible nipples a thing of the past. The Seiso Shiro T (Formal White T) t-shirts can allegedly keep men’s nipples concealed in all but the most extreme conditions. They are vulnerable to intense light and water, so you might not want to go swimming in them. However, the efficacy of these t-shirts is reflected in the price tag. Whether you prefer the v-neck or crew-neck version, you’re still going to fork out 9,000 yen for one. And that’s if you can even get your hands on one. Seiso Shiro T Production Committee has announced that a limited edition of just 200 white t-shirts will go on sale, on March 3, 2017. However, this is only intended as a trial run. If the market shows interest in these nipple-obscuring garments despite their steep price, we might see more Seiso Shiro T white t-shirts for sale in the future. Seiso Shiro T Production |